I was tired of buying products with ingredients I couldn't pronounce...

If you can't pronounce it, it probably isn't meant to go on your body. 60% of everything put onto your skin is absorbed, even more so for your scalp- yet most big brand's ingredient listing reads like a chemistry textbook. Even the "all natural" ones have terrible refined seed oils!

As momma said, if you want something done right- do it yourself. So I did...

These products are handcrafted with the purest ingredients- replenishing your skin & hair instead of attacking it.

Revitalize your Hair

For far too long, Men's hair has been mistreated- resulting in weak, fragile, & falling out hair.

Our Organic Clay Pomade, is here to change that.

Carefully formulated with 7 organic ingredients to style, condition, & strengthen your hair on the first use.

Ditch the chemical cocktail that big brands use & come to the all natural side. Your hair will thank you.

No chemicals, seed oils, or refined oils.